Monday, June 17, 2024

The Blond Man

 I met the Blond Man for the first time when I was sixteen. My mom had divorced my father and we moved into a mobile home in Pocatello. I turned the den (complete with wood burning stove) into a bedroom by using bookcases to make a wall and using those silly hanging glass beads from the 60's as my door. I had my bed in the front right corner pressed up against the wall, and a dresser with my clothes on the other side of the room. One wall was comprised of a sliding glass door. The wood burning stove was dead center on the left with the dresser to the left near the hallway, and some empty space to the right between the stove and the sliding glass door. Not much privacy, but at least it was my own space.

One night I was awakened by a presence/sound in the room, over by the sliding glass door. I opened my eyes to see a man standing in the corner of my room, straddling my saddle which I had dumped in that corner earlier that evening. He was dressed in black, with bright, white-blond hair and a wide, manic smile filled with brilliant white teeth. Seeing him there shot a bolt of terror through me and I screamed and spun away, slamming into the wall. I know I was awake, because he was blurry. I could see his shape, size and color, but no details. I wear corrective lens, and as anyone with severe vision loss will tell you, we dream as if we wear glasses and can see.

Pressed against the wall with my back to him, I suddenly felt offended that he was in the room, so I rolled away from the wall and with a shaky voice (not feeling very brave) I asked him why he was there.

He laughed a laugh I couldn't hear, but could only feel, like razors on my skin, his teeth flashing in the dim light from outside the sliding glass door. Then he grinned a huge Pennywise-the-Clown grin and said "Don't worry little girl, I've been here before."

I screamed again, loud enough to strain my voice, and spun into the wall, clawing at the paneling, trying to flee. 

At that moment my mom stepped into the room, having heard my first scream and had come to see what was happening. She comforted me and told me everything was okay, right up until I told her what had happened. At that point she grabbed the phone and then searched the house. Everything was locked up tight, including the sliding glass door, which had a wooden pole to hold the door closed during the night. She chalked it up to an over active imagination combined with a bad dream. 

About a year later, I had moved to a bedroom with a locked door, having switched rooms with my younger brother. When I first moved into the room I was awakened at night by the Blond Man standing in my doorway, his evil grin on his face, silently laughing at me, but he never stepped inside the room. I would wake with sleep paralysis and lie there unable to move, staring at my hand just inches away from my face, telling myself to move and touch myself. It never worked. I would lay frozen for minutes, sometimes hours, and then fall back asleep once he was gone. I finally put a bolt lock on the inside of my door and that limited the visitations.

One night, late spring when I was 18, I was wandering around a local park with the woman I came out with on NYE. We had been swinging on some swings, and I was facing the rock walls rimming the edge of the park, while my friend was facing the other direction. I suddenly felt the Blond Man watching me. I looked into the trees and he was standing next to a tree with his hand resting on the bark of the tree near his head. I could feel him laughing at me. His face was pretty much the only thing I could see, with his broad mouth, red tongue, white teeth, the unheard laughter rippling along my nerves. I felt a hand on my shoulder and heard the words, "he can't get to you", with a strong sensation of protection. We got up and left, although I could feel him laughing at me until we drove away.

The last time a remember seeing him was the last day I was living in an apartment with a friend. I woke about 2 pm (was working nights) when I was in my early twenties, and he was standing next to my bed, his hand reached out toward me, fingers about an inch from my elbow, which was sticking up out of the blankets. I was stuck in paralysis, unable to move at all, terrified out of my mind. I knew if anything were to touch my elbow at that moment I would have lost my mind. It was the last time I spent the night there. I moved out the next day and spent the next couple of years bouncing from one residence to another. I think I moved 11 times in six years, trying to keep myself hidden from him. 

When I was in my early twenties, finding myself  blacklisted in the small Idaho town I had been living in, I decided to move to Southern California to live with my grandparents. They were traveling with the Roy Rogers and Dale Evens Happy Trails RV group and were only home a couple of times a year. I would take care of their house while they were gone and help with whatever they needed when they were home. It was there that I first taught myself to cast a circle, in part to protect myself from the Blond Man, and in part to protect myself from anyone that might want to hurt me. It was a protection that I believe the Great Queen wanted from me, as we continued my shadow work. I think the first time it took almost an hour to focus my attention and concentrate on the imagery needed at that point to form the circle around me, but it certainly got easier after that first time. The funniest thing that happened is that I cast the circle widdershins. I still do. 

That was the last time I had to worry about the Blond Man, until my son was four or five. At that point, my son told me about a "scary man" with a "scary laugh" and white hair that was trying to get him one night. It terrified me and I reached out for assistance. I had been working with a spirit guide: a Lakota warrior who had adopted my son and his umbrella of protection was held over me as well. I asked for help and was able to forced the Blond Man out of the condo, which sent him fleeing to a friend's house, where he was taken by a group of Native ghost warriors and eaten. He hasn't been seen since. 

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