Wednesday, June 19, 2024


 A couple of months ago, my gf and I went to see the Orpheus Pagan Chamber Choir. The concert was held in a church (not going to lie - its a little strange to listen to what is supposed to be pagan music in a church setting), and the choir was amazing. They have a soprano who has an incredible voice and I am looking forward to their next concert. It was a wonderful experience.

Something happened at the beginning of the concert. Their first song was a summoning chant to Yemaya. Yemaya is a major water spirit from the Yoruba religion and is the mother of all Orishas. She is known as the Goddess of Creation, Water, Moon, Motherhood and Protection. She is the patron Goddess of the Ogun River in Nigeria. In Brazil and Cuba, She is worshipped primarily as a Goddess of the Sea/Ocean.

Pretty bad ass, right? When the chant started and the power began to build, she stepped into the church, towering over everything - at least 20' tall - bent over and started directly into my eyes. I could feel Her sorting through my thoughts and memories, sifting through me, and beyond me to my ancestors. It almost felt like she was shuffling through my lineage, until she came upon my ancestor who lived and died on a plantation in SC. My ancestor was a slave woman named Dorisha.

When She found Dorisha, a deep hum came from Her throat and She pulled away to look into my eyes. 

"That is the connection I can feel . . ." Her deep voice said. Behind Her voice was an offer, like a hand extended in greeting. She was offering a connection to Herself, a relationship with Her.

I responded quietly, in my mind, "Thank you for the offer, but I have more on my plate than I can currently handle. I must decline for the moment."

She smiled, nodded in understanding, and stepped back out of the church.

When I was researching Goddess' that are involved in healing, She was one of the Goddesses I was interested in. However, I read the books I found on Brigid first and kind of fell for Her. I'm thinking that at some point in the future it might be beneficial to do some research on Yemaya.

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